What we do

Donec mollis, metus a varius faucibus, est magna tempor mauris, sit amet lobortis nunc sem non lectus. Proin vitae feugiat lorem, nec lacinia massa. Integer interdum ipsum sed placerat posuere. Etiam dapibus ante in lacus lacinia, non convallis quam luctus. Vivamus augue nibh, fermentum quis justo sed, fermentum maximus magna. Morbi venenatis eros velit, elementum sodales turpis viverra at. Phasellus finibus mauris a massa malesuada faucibus. Duis euismod vehicula enim eu placerat. Aenean dictum eget lacus in fermentum. Cras ac ipsum imperdiet, bibendum tortor quis, mollis risus. Aliquam quis dapibus est. Vestibulum elementum, ante nec tristique rutrum, risus augue dapibus sem, ut bibendum dolor urna sed lacus.

When our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures.

A pleasant time

Here are a few major reasons why dancing is good for you, it’s hard to know where to begin. It’s great benefit for your mind and good health for the body. Besides being a good form of exercise and having a positive impact on your mind, a recent study actually showed that it also makes us feel even more energetic at everything including our work and personal life.

Times Square, New York
Dec 27, 2022
12:00 - 16:00
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Let’s Dance -
Our Teachers

Meeting our amazing dance teachers

Leslie Alexander
Hip Hop Teacher
Kristin Watson
Ballet Teacher
Annette Black
Salsa Teacher
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